ReMo proudly welcomes Gautam Narang, Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder of Gatik AI, Inc., the leader in autonomous transportation for B2B short-haul logistics, into its esteemed group of Commissioners.
The paper outlines three major policy actions the EU can take to leverage private sector innovation to achieve its ambitious goal of reducing transport sector emissions by 90% by 2050 by catalyzing a more efficient, sustainable, and people-centered mobility sector.
ReMo has released an issue brief that outlines why it is necessary for the freight sector to invest in digital infrastructure and prioritize the development and adoption of open freight data exchange standards to create more efficient, secure, and resilient global supply chains.
ReMo applauds the introduction of the Ocean Shipping Reform Implementation Act, sponsored by Reps. Dusty Johnson (R-SD) and John Garamendi (D-CA), to help make U.S. supply chains more secure, resilient, sustainable, and efficient.
WASHINGTON DC (March 24, 2023) – The Coalition for Reimagined Mobility (ReMo)—a global initiative shaping policy and ideas for transportation systems that more efficiently, sustainably, and equitably move […]
Leader with decades of state, national and international experience to unlock potential in mobility and transportation sectors at the helm of global transportation coalition.
The following statement on the Senate’s passage of the budget reconciliation bill with incentives for clean energy production to address climate change, can be attributed to […]
The Coalition for Reimagined Mobility calls for global policy action, including defining how to share critical information among freight sector stakeholders as a condition for port […]