November 15, 2022

Must the Past Be Prologue? Investing in a Transportation Future that Builds Sustainable Economies Globally

A century of transportation dominated by internal combustion (ICE) vehicles is coming to an end in the rich world.
November 14, 2022

World Climate Summit 2022 Panel at COP27

Coalition for Reimagined Mobility’s Executive Director, Christine Weydig joined the World Climate Foundation for the World Climate Summit 2022 in in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt alongside COP27. […]
November 13, 2022

Acting While We Talk: Freight Efficiency Improvements Benefit People and Planet

The UN Climate Summit—COP27—currently underway in Egypt is a mammoth climate gathering where lots of committed people discuss a lot of complicated things. Top of the agenda this year are topics like financing climate change mitigation and adaptation – with a specific focus on “loss and damage” funding for countries already bearing the brunt of climate change.