June 17, 2024

Comments to the U.S. Federal Maritime Commission on Improving Maritime Data Accuracy for Efficient Goods Movement

ReMo commends the MTDI’s explicit focus to improve communication with the open exchange of timely, accurate data with input from supply chain stakeholders who are moving containers through marine terminals.
June 21, 2023

New White Paper Provides Insights for Developing and Adopting Data Standards Across the Global Freight Sector

Case studies highlight lessons learned from developing and implementing effective data standards across transit, maritime shipping, and aviation.
April 4, 2023
Top view of Deep water port with cargo ship and containers.

New Issue Brief Underscores Importance of Data Standards and Interoperability for Supply Chain Digitalization and Resilience

ReMo has released an issue brief that outlines why it is necessary for the freight sector to invest in digital infrastructure and prioritize the development and adoption of open freight data exchange standards to create more efficient, secure, and resilient global supply chains.
December 8, 2022

After TradeLens: Where Does the Global Shipping Industry Go from Here?

Maersk, the global trade giant, and IBM announced last Tuesday that they will pull the plug on TradeLens, an effort to digitize the supply chain through a blockchain-enabled global trade platform they launched in 2018 to bring trade information sharing into the 21st century.
November 7, 2022
Woman standing in front of a cargo ship talking into a radio.

The UK Brings Its Shipping Rules Out of the Victorian Era and into the Digital Age

Lawmakers in the United Kingdom will soon bring much-needed change to trade laws that have remained largely the same since Queen Victoria sat on the throne, bringing the U.K.’s shipping rules into the electronic age and paving the way for the digital transformation of global trade.