June 5, 2024

ReMo London Climate Action Week Luncheon Event

Harnessing Emerging Transportation and Energy Technologies for Climate Solutions: Policy Strategies for Systemic Decarbonization.
May 4, 2023
Industrial technology concept. Shipping industry and communication network.

Data Holds the Key to a Lower Cost Energy Transition Across the Freight Sector

One of the most transformative roles freight data can play is to accelerate the sector’s energy transition. By bringing digital technologies to scale and leveraging digitalization, we can bridge the efficiency gaps in supply chains and optimize freight movement while achieving broader sustainability goals.
January 11, 2023

ReMo: U.S. Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization Essential to People, the Planet, and Energy Security

The Coalition for Reimagined Mobility (ReMo) applauds the U.S. Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization released jointly on Tuesday by the Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Department of Energy, […]
November 15, 2022

Must the Past Be Prologue? Investing in a Transportation Future that Builds Sustainable Economies Globally

A century of transportation dominated by internal combustion (ICE) vehicles is coming to an end in the rich world.