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June 18, 2024

Watch On-Demand: Driving Equity: The Benefits and Impact of AVs on Underserved Communities

Autonomous vehicles have the potential to revolutionize mobility, particularly benefiting underserved communities. Yet, realizing their full potential requires policies that bridge both innovation and inclusivity.
June 17, 2024

Comments to the U.S. Federal Maritime Commission on Improving Maritime Data Accuracy for Efficient Goods Movement

ReMo commends the MTDI’s explicit focus to improve communication with the open exchange of timely, accurate data with input from supply chain stakeholders who are moving containers through marine terminals.
June 5, 2024

ReMo London Climate Action Week Luncheon Event

Harnessing Emerging Transportation and Energy Technologies for Climate Solutions: Policy Strategies for Systemic Decarbonization.
April 29, 2024

SAFE’S ReMo Comments on National Security Impacts of Connected Vehicles to Commerce Department

It is imperative that strategic decoupling from foreign adversaries for vehicle components and technologies be done in a way that allows U.S. industry to be a global leader in deploying innovative new technologies and products.
March 19, 2024

SAFE and ReMo Remember Dr. Jerry Cohon, President Emeritus of Carnegie Mellon University and Founding Co-Chair of the Coalition for Reimagined Mobility

Dr. Cohon's dedication, vision, and commitment left an indelible mark on the communities he helped shape, and ReMo was fortunate to be one of these communities.
February 29, 2024

Biden Administration’s Investigation into Chinese Connected Vehicles Likely to Find Extensive Risks

It’s welcome news to see the Biden Administration taking concrete action today to understand and address the national security risks of connected vehicle technology designed, sold, and controlled by companies beholden to the People’s Republic of China.
February 15, 2024
Redesigned International® LT with S13 Integrated Powertrain

Navistar, a prominent leader in North American commercial vehicle manufacturing, joins Coalition for Reimagined Mobility

ReMo proudly welcomes Mathias Carlbaum, President and CEO of Navistar, Inc. (Navistar), a leading manufacturer of commercial trucks and school buses in the U.S. and Canada, into its esteemed group of Commissioners.
January 8, 2024
Report Cover Image

New Report Identifies the Opportunities and Barriers to Unlocking the Potential of a 21st Century Mobility System

ReMo's new report provides a foundation to better understand and identify what has prevented progress toward addressing the major transportation challenges of our time.
November 20, 2023
Graphic featuring the panelists of the PAVE Europe/ReMo partnered webinar on Regulatory Sandboxing

How Regulatory Sandboxing Can Accelerate CCAM: International Experiences and Best Practices

In partnership with PAVE Europe, the Coalition for Reimagined Mobility (ReMo), will host a webinar to discuss the role regulatory sandboxing can play in developing iterative and flexible policy for Cooperative, Connected, and Automated Mobility (CCAM) deployment, by looking at examples and best practices from around the world.