WASHINGTON DC (March 24, 2023) – The Coalition for Reimagined Mobility (ReMo)—a global initiative shaping policy and ideas for transportation systems that more efficiently, sustainably, and equitably move people and goods—today released a statement in support of the FuelEU Maritime law which requires the maritime transport sector to more aggressively contribute to reaching the EU-wide target of reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, and to achieving climate neutrality in 2050.
“The FuelEU Maritime law is a significant first step to reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions and support the use of cleaner fuels and energy sources across maritime shipping,” says ReMo Executive Director Christine Weydig. “Green fuels are critical to decarbonizing maritime shipping and are an opportunity to create more secure and efficient supply chains. This law will accelerate commercialization of these fuels, but adoption and deployment of necessary infrastructure will take time. To reduce the scope of the transition we must be laser-focused on near-term efficiency improvements across the freight value chain. We can leverage technology today that reduces freight sector emissions through digitalization,” said Weydig.
ReMo’s report, “Solving the Global Supply Chain Crisis with Data Sharing,” details the adoption of freight data exchange standards can reduce emissions by 22%, and costs by 6%, through efficiencies from maximizing ship capacity, to smart steaming, and higher utilization of assets and infrastructure. That translates into the freight sector using 2.5 billion fewer barrels of oil a year.
About the Coalition for Reimagined Mobility
The Coalition for Reimagined Mobility (ReMo) is a global initiative of SAFE, advancing new mobility technologies and services to shape transportation systems that are better for people and planet. Bringing together stakeholders across transportation, technology, and sustainability, ReMo conducts research and policy advocacy in the U.S. and Europe to create more efficient, sustainable, equitable, and secure ways to move people and goods. For more information visit, reimaginedmobility.org.
About SAFE
SAFE is a bipartisan nonprofit that accelerates the real-world deployment of secure, resilient, and sustainable transportation and energy solutions of the United States, and its partners and allies, by shaping policies, perceptions, and practices that create opportunity for all. Visit secureenergy.org.
ReMo Media Contact
Ashley Simmons, VP Communications
M: +1 202.341.9508