The Coalition for Reimagined Mobility is advancing a comprehensive new vision for how people and goods move.
This reimagining of mobility requires a forward-thinking, fit-for-purpose, holistic, and people-centric approach to transportation systems and services that harness technology, account for society needs, and centers around the importance of energy security and sustainability.
It includes individual solutions, multimodal approaches, and system-level transformations to address different mobility needs based on location, circumstances, and personal preferences.
Furthermore, successful efforts to address global transportation challenges—safety, congestion, pollution, funding, and access—and the historic policy, consumer, and market-related barriers to unlocking a 21st-century mobility system that benefits people, require local context and consideration.
Addressing pressing transportation, energy, and societal challenges with novel policy solutions and collaboration from a range of critical stakeholders can deliver transformational, systems-level change to our mobility systems.
ReMo has five distinct areas of focus that together work toward advancing the deployment and scaling of transportation technologies to achieve a more safe, secure, efficient, and sustainable mobility system.
Redefining Fuel Economy for 21st-Century Mobility
The next phase of fuel economy standards involves a shift and ongoing commitment to invest in the scaling of advanced transportation technologies essential for pushing the boundaries of fuel economy beyond the tailpipe. From embracing electric and zero-emission vehicles and alternative fuels, to advancing novel or purpose-built vehicles, lightweight materials, aerodynamics, automation, and powertrain technology, a comprehensive strategy that combines policies to incentivize the adoption of new technologies and takes a system-level approach to transportation energy use and emissions is required. We believe this is necessary to generate exponential breakthroughs in vehicle safety, efficiency, and environmental impact.

Supply Chain Digitalization for Goods Movement
Digitalization across transportation systems must enable stakeholders to exchange data-maximizing interoperability and lower the barriers to innovation. The global freight sector can forge a path to reinvention and resilience by embracing digitalization and standardizing the exchange of freight data. This will allow the freight sector to deliver system-wide operational efficiencies that reduce emissions, business costs, and the sector’s dependence on oil in favor of more transparent, sustainable, and resilient supply chains.

AI and Data-Driven Technologies in Transportation
By harnessing vast amounts of data available from connected devices, sensors, and traffic cameras, innovative new solutions can optimize traffic flow, reduce congestion, and improve safety on roadways. For shared transit, AI optimizes routes and schedules based on passenger demand patterns, leading to more efficient use of resources and enhanced service reliability. AI and data-driven technologies also enable predictive maintenance of vehicles and infrastructure, preventing breakdowns and minimizing downtime and revolutionizing both personal and commercial transportation, offering people safer, more efficient, and more convenient mobility solutions.

Geopolitical Strategic Competition and National Security
The rise of development, manufacturing, and deployment of advanced transportation technologies – and the data they generate – by foreign adversaries is a threat to U.S. competitiveness, national security, and the economic value of moving people and goods. A multifaceted approach encompassing strategic federal investment, supportive regulatory frameworks, international collaboration with allies, and close coordination with the private sector is essential to prioritize and mitigate the risks posed to people and the country and for the U.S. to maintain, and in some instances reclaim, leadership in transportation.

Emerging Technologies & Services for Advanced Mobility
Emerging technologies and services like Autonomous Vehicles (AVs), micromobility and minimobility, and Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing (eVTOL) aircraft are revolutionizing mobility. These solutions offer the potential to reshape urban landscapes, provide faster, safer, and more flexible transportation services and transform how people and goods are transported, offering greater convenience, accessibility, and sustainability.